Spark-Y presentation at Gandhi Mahal
Spark-Y presentation at Gandhi Mahal

I’ve been putting off this blog for two weeks now. I announced about a month ago that I was going to write a book about Weathervane Creamery and the journey of the rise and fall of that start-up. And somewhere along the line I heard myself say that I would have the book complete by the end of the year.

So what that brings me to is, what kind of book do I want to write? What is it that I want to convey about myself as an entrepreneur?  Myself as a human?  What is it that I hope to accomplish? What is it I want to contribute to people in the way of a book?  I actually woke up at 2am the other night and debated how personal to dive.  I don’t have an answer on that just yet.

A few things I do know. One is, I want to share the entrepreneurial journey of a human being. From the point of view from a vulnerable person, a spiritual person, a real person. I want to share with you the my process as an entrepreneur. The process of a start-up. The process of turning a blog into a book.

Another thing I know is that I don’t want to write a self serving, poorly written rag. I have read both by people I know. Please tell me if you sense things going in that direction!

So let’s start with what brought me to want to write a book.

It started a couple of months ago when I was on LinkedIn and I was looking for a Zachary Robbins. The LinkedIn search brought up Zachary Robinson. I looked up Zachary Robinson’s profile to see that he was the executive director of a nonprofit organization that works with teen entrepreneurs. Not only does he work with teen entrepreneurs, but the platform for the organization that Zach works with, Spark -Y, is horticulture.

What you may not know about me is that I have a degree in horticulture. The other thing you may not know about me is that I have a huge passion to make a difference for children and teens.  I work with youth with an organization called Landmark Worldwide. I’ve been training for several years now giving presentations and supporting the management of family courses in a program that is similar to an internship. [Legal disclaimer:  The views expressed here or any social media connected to me do not reflect the views of Landmark Worldwide]  I’ve also tutored children and been a Big Sister in the Big Brother Big Sister Program.

So when I saw what was Zach was involved in, I had to reach out. Long story short, it was a random collision between Zach and I that resulted in me giving a presentation to his summer interns on what it is to be an entrepreneur. As I was preparing for that presentation, I realized what a great story my journey was with Weathervane Creamery for the teen audience. And in preparing for that presentation, I realized that I had really come a long way from when I had shelved WeatherVane Creamery a few years ago. A little more than two years ago, as a matter of fact. It feels like forever ago.

I digress.

Another factor that has me want to write a book was an entrepreneur Lunch N Learn Meetup group that I attended where Dan Shrader was speaking.   Dan is a corporate advisor, author, and business investor.  In his presentation, he highly recommended authoring a book and gave several ideas on how to go about writing a book in a very short amount of time.  He recommended getting it fully written and published in six weeks. So considering that, I have lots of extra time to write this book.

In order to catch you up to speed, I’ll have to tell you what I’ve done thus far. I think I’ll share that with you on the next posting.

So stay tuned. And thank you in advance for being on this ride with me.