What Are Your Business Resolutions? Let Me Help… For Free

Here we are. January of 2017. I’ve been reflecting on how I want the New Year to look for Right Now Enterprises. And in this reflection, I realized something- no, came to terms with. And this is it: While I consult my clients to make specific goals in the ways of budgets and goals, I haven’t done that for myself since I wrote my business plan a few years ago. What’s worse is that the reason I haven’t done it is so that I don’t have to be responsible for my results- specifically to my husband (eek!)

In seeing that, I started planning how I am going to increase my business by 6 new regular (monthly or weekly) clients this year. I met with advisors. I interviewed marketers. And I planned some things for January. Here I am inviting you to join me. Join me if you also want to increase your business by whatever metric you choose- employee satisfaction, sales, customer retention, repeat business, etc. It’s time for OUR business breakthrough. After all, that is my specialty.


I am speaking at the Empire Builder Lunch at Cowboy Jack’s in Bloomington on Monday, January 23rd. The logistics and ability to RSVP are here on Meetup. https://www.meetup.com/TheMnE/events/236344126/ And here is my description:

It’s a New Year and I don’t know about you, but I am focusing on RESULTS. Many business owners/visionaries focus on results, too, and often forget about building the foundation of a business. The foundation is what carries a business through the test of time and that foundation is the asset that investors are buying into. We’ll be taking a look at those things from the point of view of the succession plan/end game and where to start TODAY. While it may not sound sexy and exciting, I promise you that taking care of these things- whatever the things are for YOUR or your client’s business- is invigorating and can be fun.


I am hosting a business luncheon at Golden’s Lowertown Deli in St. Paul on Wednesday, January 25th. (HINT: This is 30 minutes after 1 Million Cups hosts their end of month networking event at the JJ Hill Center up the street!) It is a networking event and an introduction to The Landmark Forum. The Landmark Forum is a three and a half day course that I often recommend to my clients. You can see more information HERE. I completed my Landmark Forum in 2004 and have personally witnessed people taking their businesses and careers to unthinkable heights upon completion of the course. It is unmatched in the difference it makes and breakthroughs produced after just one weekend of sitting in a chair.

Here is the basic information on the event:

Wednesday, January 25th

Time: 10:30am-2pm

Golden’s Lowertown Deli 275 4th St E #102

St. Paul, MN 55101


Lunch orders will be taken and networking introductions begin at 10:30am. The first half of the presentation will involve you taking an area of your businesses that you would like to see new results in and then you will take that and fill out workbook exercise to find a new opening for results and action in that area. Lunch will be served at the mid break.* After the break, you will learn about Landmark Worldwide, how The Landmark Forum works, what you can expect, and how to register for the course. Pricing is $625 if you choose to register.

Please RSVP to me by Monday, January 23rd

*Note that you will be responsible for paying for your own lunch


I have offered the 21 Point Business Checklist for upwards of $300 in the past. It is a very valuable resource and starting place for businesses. I believe in not selling myself short when providing my consulting services so I have never offered it for free. Given my 2017 goals, however, I am willing to make an exception for this month only. This offer is for new referrals only.

The 21 Point Business Checklist is much like the 21 Point Oil Change. It cov­ers items in assort­ed busi­ness cat­e­gories and brings to light things that need to be put in, tuned up, and are hold­ing your busi­ness back. After a 45 min­ute Skype session, the business will be emailed their report com­plete with top three oppor­tu­ni­ties, resources, and, what I can fur­ther do to sup­port them. This tool serves as a blue­print for tak­ing a busi­ness to the next lev­el.

To take advantage of this offer, message me your referrals before February 1st.

Phew! That’s it. Those are my three invitations to you. Take advantage of them. Join me in making 2017 a BREAKTHROUGH year!

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